Vyssuals Usecase Examples


The benefit of data viz for design work and presentations is pretty obvious:

  • Meet design requirements
    • Areas
      • Volumes
        • Counts
          • etc.
          • Convince clients about your design by showing charts
            • Intuitive to understand
              • Visually appealing
                • Strengthen your position

                Optimize Design

                1. Model a mass and apply floors, set Usage parameter
                  1. Update Data
                    1. Make a Chart
                      1. Show values of: Floor Area
                        1. Grouped by: Usage
                        2. Click on Chart
                          1. Change Design
                            1. Update Data

                              Compare Design Options

                              1. Model your Design Options
                                1. Switch to an option
                                  1. Enter option name in the text input of the Vyssuals plugin in Revit
                                    1. Updata Data
                                      1. Make a couple of charts for the option
                                        1. In the chart editor: Set dropdown to the options you just sentUpdate
                                        2. Repeat for all options...

                                          Quality Control

                                          The benefit of QA/QC through data viz might seems less obvious, but are tremendously effective in my experience. Let's say you know all floors on Level 1 should have offset 0, but there's a back entrance that has an offset of 50cm. By applying colors you can very quickly evaluate if everything is correct. If you see 2 colors, great! If you see more than 2 colors, something is off and you can investigate further.

                                          • Use colors to help architects spot irregularities fast
                                            • Leverage the architects knowledge about the project
                                              • Let architects decide if 'bug or feature'

                                                Find Hidden Mistakes

                                                1. Isolate Category (Floors in this example) Shortcut: 'IC'
                                                  1. Update Data / Auto Sync
                                                    1. Make a Chart
                                                      1. Show Values Of: Count (Doesn't really matter what you choose)
                                                        1. Grouped By:
                                                        2. Click on Chart
                                                          1. Repeat...

                                                            Visualize Number Values

                                                            The point of this example is to hightlight how you can quickly color elements with a gradient based on a number value your want to show. This can be useful to understand for example:

                                                            • Loading 'hotspots' in structure
                                                              • Bottlenecks in HVAC
                                                                • Understand how many different values there are and potentially simplify the design to reduce complexity